Sunday, June 22, 2008

A Long Night, and a New Day

Late last night, the Rev. Bruce-Reyes Chow was installed as the moderator of the 218th General Assembly.

Bruce, as he prefers to be called, was elected on the second ballot from a field of four candidates, which included a Chinese-American pastor, an organizer of a ministry to homeless persons, and an elder from Nebreska. Bruce's election followed an long day of orientation for commissioners to this year's assembly.

This year's election really does signify a new day for the church. Later this week, commissioners will also vote for a new General Assembly stated clerk. Today, we will gather under Bruce's leadership. At 38, and the pastor of Mission Bay Community Church, new church development in San Francisco, Bruce represents a new generation of leadership for the PC(USA). His church has often been cited as one of the most exciting new church developments (NCDs) in our denomination, particularly because of its outreach to youth and young adults. In many ways, Bruce is himself the face of a new day--the grandson of Filipino and Chinese immigrants, a lifelong Presbyterian, and a frequent blogger and Facebook user.

During the nominations Saturday, Bruce brought honesty and energy to the process. He refused to duck hard questions while showing great energy and passion for leading a diverse, often divided, church. Bruce writes, "I am fully convinced that the PC (USA) is in a time of joy-filled transformation. People are excited about ministry, they are engaged in the mission field and folks are committing their lives to the calling of Christ with great passion, thoughtfulness and optimism."

Following his election, Bruce showed us the way forward. Surrounded by members of his church, family and friends, he was installed as moderator. The prayer of installation was led by his mother and 11-year old daughter. It is a signal of a new day in the PC (USA)


Anonymous said...

Thank you Chris for all that you are doing this week. I am enjoying your blog and am impressed by your words about Rev. Bruce. I loved that he was surrounded by friends and family as he takes this on. You know that so are you!!!!
Be well and God Bless you!
Susan Dames

Anonymous said...

Hey Chris...see what is going on in the Men's Group if you have time...2008 National Presbyterian Men’s Dinner

National Presbyterian Men’s Ministry
Dinner Speaker
6 to 8 p.m. Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Garden Room, The Fairmont San Jose
170 South Market Street
Downtown San Jose, one block From the Convention Center

Sounds like a great experience and a chance to have a rebirth of the ole Presbyterian Church (USA)...may God's spirit guide you all.

Bob H.
Scribe, MGW

Reyes-Chow said...

Thanks for the kind words and hopeful reflection. I hope to do people proud! Cya round!